• 26 сентября 2015, суббота
  • Москва, Aqua complex Luzhniki

SUMMER BABY. Welcome to Indonesia!"

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3157 дней назад
26 сентября 2015 c 12:00 до 20:00
Aqua complex Luzhniki

OnTheList Private Club и Russian Wave Family are happy to announce a great open-air beach party & festival at Luzhniki. The air temperature wil be +35C! The water temberature +28C!

On September 26 we are organizing a beach festival «BABY SUMMER! Welcome to Indonesia”. This time we will take you even further – to wonderful beaches of Indonesia!

Would you like to visit Indonesia? Not a problem! During the day you can sunbathe by the swimming pool, try authentic Indonesian cuisine and get a traditional Indonesian massage!

And of course, you will see again the hit of the party, unique water light show of Andrey Krasnov's "Space Odyssey" with the participation of the Champions of Russia, Guinness record 2015 holders!!


Also, you will find you favorite heroes of out last pool party — www.facebook.com/OnTheListPrivateCl...>

- beauty contest “Miss Asia” by Podium.life
- midget flight competition in the swimming pool ("The Wolf of Wall Street")
- mobile steam baths with hookahs inside
- virtual reality stand from Oculus Rift
- fashionable swimwear from the brand "Li-Li"
- and many more!


ATTENTION: due to the beautiful weather in Moscow we expect high demand! The early you buy the more you save! We have a limited number of VIP tickets due to 128 man and 128 woman lockers.

Ticket prices:

- 2500 rubles for a ticket that includes all-day pass to the VIP swimming pool, rent of a locker, rent of a bathrobe/towel.


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